Liberation Road

Search Results: china

The Struggle for Healthcare in Historical and International Context
This piece was written in 2009 and is just as relevant almost ten years later.  The struggle for universal healthcare in the U.S. has been long and difficult.  Since the late 1800s, there have been multiple efforts at reform and
On the Crisis of Socialism
Originally written May 1991, reaffirmed November 1997 With the collapse of Soviet-style “socialism” throughout Eastern Europe, the crushing of the 1989 democracy movement in China, and the general disarray of the Marxist left internationally, a phase of socialist experimentation has
Declaración de los Principios de la Unidad
Introducción Camaradas y amigos. Ésta es una declaración de los principios de la unidad de la El Camino Para La Liberación (The Road, siglas en inglés) y la Red Organizativa Socialista (SON, siglas en inglés). Ésta es un breve resumen
Sobre la Crisis del Socialismo
Mayo de 1991 Con la caída del “socialismo” estilo-Soviético en toda Europa del Este, el aplastamiento del movimiento pro-democracia de 1989 en China, y el desorden general de la izquierda marxista en todo el mundo, una etapa de experimentación socialista
Who We Are
While The Road/El Camino was formed in 1985 as a merger of socialist organizations that came from the movements of the 1960s and 70s, today we are multi-generational, with a majority of our members under age 35 – not yet