Liberation Road

Search Results: china

On Trump & Treason
This article originally was written by Dennis O’Neil and appeared on, a new site that examines how current events impact our movements. 1. Trump’s recent European jaunt has re-centered the chaotic political struggle in the US on the question
Let the Games Begin: 20 Things You Need to Know About the US Playing with Korea’s Right to Self Determination
As we all watch the Winter Olympic Games in South Korea, we are fed all types of images and narratives from U.S. mainstream news outlets. There is a lot of information, about North and South Korea and their relationship to
Reparations: What’s the Idea of an African-American Nation Got to Do with It?
by Meizhu Lui Events in Ferguson and elsewhere have cut through the white noise (yes, white) of ‘post-racial’ blather to reveal the state of race relations in the US. Shortly before Ferguson, Ta-Nehesi Coates movingly made the case for reparations
Declaración de la Unidad sobre Racismo, Opresión Nacional, Autodeterminación
Declaración de la Unidad sobre Racismo, Opresión Nacional, Autodeterminación, y Estrategia para el Socialismo en Estados Unidos Nuestra Declaración de la Unidad sobre la opresión racial y nacional es una de las principales posiciones que demarcan el Camino de la
Marxism, the 21st Century and Social Transformation
This article was originally published June, 2012 on the website: Philosophers for Change, By Bill Fletcher A discussion of the future of socialism and social transformation must be grounded in two realities.  The first reality is the broader economic,