Liberation Road

Search Results: china

Power Building through Organization
Michael Hamer is a Black organizer in the South that relishes the idea and task of building political power for the gender and racially diverse working-class. How I See Things This current political moment is unlike anything I’ve experienced in
Cuba’s Internationalist Response to COVID-19
This article was originally written by Andrew King for Massachusetts Peace Action on April 30, 2020. Andrew King is a lecturer at Suffolk University, and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. He is a member of Mass.
The Main Enemy of Our People
Liberation Road and a few others on the left have identified the ‘New Confederacy’ as our main enemy—the main enemy of the working class, communities of color, queer people, women and immigrants. In this 3-way interview, Liberation Road members pull
Covid19, Wuhan, and the US Left
Steve from Wuhan is an American pinko commie who had the good fortune to live and work in Wuhan for the better part of the last decade. The PRC is not what he imagined it to be. He spent most
Jim Branson, ¡Presente!
We lost a beloved comrade, Jim Branson. We share with you four different remembrances that illuminate different parts of Jim’s remarkable life. The first is a post from Jim’s partner, Anne Lewis and the second is from his long-time comrade