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Extracting the Truth from Los Repatriados
The weekly newsletter of the México Solidarity Project October 27, 2021/ This week’s issue/ Meizhu Lui, for the editorial team Extracting the truth can be like extracting a tooth. We have a gnawing pain that won’t go away, but we
Stop in the Name of the Law!’: Helping Asylum Seekers
The weekly newsletter of the México Solidarity Project October 13, 2021/ This week’s issue/ Meizhu Lui, for the editorial team Wouldn’t be nice if those breaking the law stopped whenever asked? Fat chance, especially when the most powerful government on
Tres por Uno: When Equal Becomes Unequal
The weekly newsletter of the México Solidarity Project September 15, 2021/ This week’s issue/ Meizhu Lui, for the editorial team People who migrate to the United States leave their family, friends, and neighbors in the little villages where they grew
The Miracles of Guadalupe: A Heritage of Helping
The weekly newsletter of the México Solidarity Project September 8, 2021/ This week’s issue/ Meizhu Lui, for the editorial team Generations of Mexicans have viewed the Virgin of Guadalupe, México’s mestiza patron saint, as a blessed miracle maker. Yolanda López, the 79-year-old Chicana artist who died this past week, saw the strength and power