To the Communist Party of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam:
The National Executive Committee of Liberation Road, a socialist organization in the U.S., is honored to send revolutionary greetings to your 13th Congress. The Communist Party of Vietnam has inspired us and socialists the world over with your leadership through vicious wars waged by two imperialist powers, through the rebuilding of national infrastructure devastated by bombing and chemical weapons, and now in the all-sided and self-determined development of industry, agriculture and human resources.
We are inspired by the Communist Party’s commitment to improving the living standards of the working class and rural masses in an equitable and ecologically sustainable way; your advancement of the democratic rights and economic betterment of women and minority nationalities, and the input of all sectors of the population into planning and decision-making. Vietnam’s development teaches us many lessons and offers a stirring example as we in the U.S. struggle against white supremacy, and for greater democracy and, eventually, a transition to socialism.
Most recently we have been awed by Vietnam’s capacity to limit the deaths and illnesses from COVID—in a manner unparalleled by far wealthier countries—through a society-wide public health infrastructure trusted by the masses, encompassing party units at all levels, with local governments and mass organizations.
We in Liberation Road pledge to continue pressing for reparations for the human and ecological devastation caused by our government’s criminal use of Agent Orange, and for deeper cooperative relations between our governments and peoples–efforts which we hope will be more successful with the newly elected U.S. Congress.
We look forward with great anticipation to hearing about the decisions and accomplishments of the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
In solidarity,
Liberation Road (USA)